The Intrepid Damon Weaver

For anyone who thinks journalism is dead, for those who’ve written off public education, for the cynical and the depressed, I bring you … Damon Weaver, intrepid White House correspondent, and inspiration to us all.

At 10 years old, he’s the youngest reporter among the White House Press Corps, and possibly the most wily, having recently scored a 10-minute interview with the President of the United States. (What’s his name again?)

Damon attends Canal Point Elementary School, in Palm Beach County, Fla., where he also works as a reporter for KEC TV, Canal Point’s award-winning news show produced by the school’s fifth and sixth graders.  (My sister, Lisa, is an intrepid educator and reading coach at West Gate Elementary, also in Palm Beach County, who I thank for sending me the YouTube video link below.)

You may remember Damon’s hard-hitting interview with then Sen. Joe Biden during the 2008 campaign, when Damon declared the now vice president his “home boy,” despite Damon having to hold the microphone so high, for so … long. 

See the full interview below and check out Damon’s many other broadcasts at KEC TV’s YouTube Channel.  And remember, behind every great youth journalist, are teachers, parents, community leaders, funders, and yes, even some politicians, helping youngsters like Damon get the quality public education that every child deserves.
