School Starts in DC

The Washington area gets a public school named after Barack Obama and it’s not in the District. I’m offended. Michelle Rhee, what is up?

Kidding, of course. Welcome back to school everyone (at Prospect Learning Center in particular :).

A teacher at the Prospect school across the way got locked inside the gates of her campus on Sunday; the custodian didn’t know she was in there getting her classroom ready and he locked up and went home. The police were confused as we neighbors brought over two ladders to get her over the wrought iron fence. The empty boxes of school supplies she carried with her were not enough to dissuade the copper and his paddy wagon compatriots from obnoxiously asking for her ID and questioning her incessantly … just. in. case.

Really cops? Nothing better for you to do on a Sunday?

It was a farcical start—a little weird start—to a hopefully promising school year.