I’m Officially Out of It
This blog aside, when I saw this press release, I knew that my hip-to-the-latest-technology days were over before they even began (links added):
The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), known as the “investigative arm of Congress,” has established a presence on YouTube and Twitter to help users of such sites stay informed about GAO’s work. “GAO is always exploring ways to use innovative practices and emerging technologies to carry out its mission,” said Gene L. Dodaro, Acting Comptroller General of the United States and head of the GAO. “While we’ve made extensive use of the Internet for some time, posting material on YouTube and Twitter offers new possibilities to inform people about our efforts to promote accountability and transparency in federal programs and operations.”
So, without a presence on Twitter nor a space on YouTube, Blog Alley is officially less connected than an agency hardly anyone knows exists and that writes reports few read. (Recent “titles” include “Preliminary Observations on the Effectiveness and Costs of Mercury Control Technologies at Coal-Fired Power Plants” and “DOD Needs to Update Savings Estimates and Continue to Address Challenges in Consolidating Supply-Related Functions at Depot Maintenance Locations.” Still awake?)
What’s even more sad is that I’m one of the few who does read these reports and finds them useful — and gets them delivered, all old-fashioned-like, via email. Should I laugh or cry?