Health Care Cooperatives: Information Links
How health care cooperatives would work as part of health care reform is largely unknown, but basic information about them is starting to surface (and resurface) as the idea enters (or reenters) the debate.
While I doubt health care reform can pass with these cooperatives substituting for a public health insurance option, here are a few sources to educate yourself on the concept. (I’ll add more as I find them.)
August 2009
- National Cooperative Business Association
- Business Week: “Health-Care Cooperatives: Fig Leaf or Fix”
- New York Times: “Alternate Plan as Health Option Muddies Debate”
- Government Accountability Office articles: Go to and put “health care cooperatives” in search box.
- “What are Nonprofit Health Insurance Cooperatives?”
- New York Daily News: “Health-care option: The ‘Cooperative’ approach”
June 2009
- Health Care Policy and Marketplace Review: “Health Care Cooperatives–An Old New Idea–So What’s a Blue Cross Plan?” (hat tip, Andrew Sullivan)
- The New Republic The Treatment: “Un-Cooperative: The Trouble with Conrad’s Compromise”