Correction Affection

I got a kick out of this correction, published yesterday in the New York Times Week in Review (with all due respect to the deceased who are mentioned):

An article on Dec. 27 about the death of Edward M. Kennedy in August referred incorrectly to the assassination of his brother President John F. Kennedy, and a correction in this space last Sunday erroneously corrected the length of his tenure in the Senate. The president was assassinated in 1963, the year after Edward Kennedy was elected to the Senate — not the same year. And as the article correctly reported, Senator Kennedy served 46 years — not 47 as the correction said. (The correction also erred in stating that the length of tenure was incorrect in Mr. Kennedy’s obituary, in two other articles on Aug. 27 and Aug. 28 and in an editorial on Aug. 28. All four correctly reported the tenure as 46 years.)