In Post-Thanksgiving Period, Consume Great Journalism
If you’ve been on a “tryptophan trip” lately—defined by “medical experts” as the blind ingestion of all forms of turkey, which then triggers a deep sleep—you might have missed some great journalism. Here are a few links for when you’ve polished off the turkey, reestablished a circadian rhythm, and feel ready to devour some news:
“In China, Cultivating the Urge to Splurge”: This New York Times Magazine piece from Nov. 28, 2010, was an in-depth exploration of China’s current economy and what it needs to do to keep expanding. In some ways, China’s problems are the reverse of ours: they must consume more and invest less. An illuminating and interestingly written article by David Leonhardt.
“A Bully Finds a Pulpit on the Web”: This article gave me the chills (Sunday NYT, Business, Nov. 28, 2010). For anyone shopping online, read this cautionary tale and then demand that your local government, law enforcement officials, and watchdog agencies step up and do the bare minimum to protect consumers. What I found the most galling was not that the bully was doing this—or that he was so well-known—but that the victimized consumer’s pleas for help went almost entirely ignored (until, of course, the New York Times came a-calling). Kudus to David Segal for going through what must have been immense legwork and reporting to put this piece together.
(Since it is shopping season, consider exploring this story, “The Great Cyberheist,” for more on law enforcement’s woeful inability to stop cybercrime—or even recognize it when it’s right under its nose—in this piece, also from the NYT Magazine [Nov. 10, 2010].)
There are more—“What Good Is Wall Street?” in The New Yorker, Nov. 29, comes to mind—but perhaps that’s enough fodder for now!
Support great print journalism by giving a subscription gift this holiday season to The New York Times, to The New Yorker, or to any other great newspapers and news periodicals out there. After all, knowledge is the gift that keeps on giving!