April 21, 2009
About Blog Alley
An alley typically leads to an area that can be interesting, but is often obscured. The alley I see from my desk features some cool buildings, like a carriage house, and when the sun hits this one apartment building just right, I can see the sun set in the reflection of its windows. It’s also the scene for regular dramatic and not-so-dramatic acts: the car crashing through my neighbor’s fence on Christmas night, pedestrians fleeing on foot, police floating through in their cruisers, workers going in and out of the Porta John in the yard two houses down, and, of course, the urban wildlife: the yapping dogs; the skulking crows; the kinetic squirrels; and, if we’re lucky, the funky owl and menacing-looking raccoon.
Blog Alley is Church Street Editorial’s virtual place for stuff we find, dramatic or mundane, that is inspiring, newsworthy, creative, helpful, weird, or just plain silly. Check in frequently to see if what we post is up your alley too.
January 13, 2012
(political) Science Friday: Bill Moyers
Science Friday: Bill Moyers is back, talkin’ politics. Listen here.
(Support regular Science Friday.)
Moyers & Company 101: On Winner Take All Politics from BillMoyers.com on Vimeo.
January 6, 2012
Science Friday: Plastic Spans
Science Friday: This audio entry links to a Science Friday segment on engineers using discarded plastic bottles to build bridges. Listen here.
December 30, 2011
Science Friday: What’s Wrong With What We Eat
Science Friday: In keeping with the food theme, today’s science entry features Mark Bittman talking about the history of the Western diet. It’s about how we got here, and where we should go next. (Hint: less meat, less junk, more plants.)
(Regular Science Friday returns next week.)
December 23, 2011
Science Friday: Food Rules
Science Friday: Today’s science entry features Michael Pollan talking about his “Food Rules.” Listen here. Have a happy, healthy holiday!
(Regular Science Friday returns next week.)
December 20, 2011
Hey, with my Louis CK article, I kinda, sorta scooped David Carr.