About erika@churchstreeteditorial.com

Posts by erika@churchstreeteditorial.com:

Health Care Progress

The Senate Finance Committee finally passed a health care bill. Here is the statement from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, which has been tracking the legislation.

The final vote was 14-9 in favor. The measure must be melded with the Senate HELP committee bill, gain approval by the full Senate, go to conference with the House bill, which, oh yes, has yet to pass through that chamber. 

In other words, the beat goes on … .

Sunday in D.C.

It was busy around town all weekend here in Washington. The teams competing to win the  Solar Decathlon showed off their energy-efficient 800 square-feet homes to visitors on the mall. Despite gloomy weather yesterday, the lines were long to get into Team California and Team Illinois, and to most of the homes. The students were energenic, helpful, and eager to win. (We even saw the actor Ed Begley Jr.!) Check the standings on the website. The winner will be announced Oct. 16.

President Obama addressed the Human Rights Campaign 13th annual national dinner last night, pledging, among other promises, to end “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”. Alas, he didn’t say when.  It was also the weekend of the National Equity March.This very beautiful article helped me understand anew what people are marching for. 

Simply put, it was just a great weekend to be in D.C.!

Texas Paper Explores Governor’s Behavior in Willingham Case

The Houston Chronicle today explores whether Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) reviewed crucial documentation about Todd Willingham’s case just before the man convicted of killing his children in a set fire was executed. Among other information, the paper reports:

The five-page opinion faxed to Perry’s office on Willingham’s execution day in 2004 was the first. It said investigators made “major errors” and relied on discredited techniques akin to an “old wives tale.”

Below is a clip from a CNN story about the case, which aired earlier this month.