About erika@churchstreeteditorial.com

Posts by erika@churchstreeteditorial.com:

Ways You Can Support — and Learn About — Veterans

The Huffington Post has a nice article with five facts about veterans, each with specific ways you can support organizations that help them overcome post-traumatic stress, find housing, and get care packages, among other needs.

The article highlights the Library of Congress’ Veterans History Project, which features individual stories from veterans and other interesting items, such as a podcast from an event that discussed women in combat.

The Veterans Administration, assisted by Iraq War veteran Tammy Duckworth (who lost her legs after a rocket hit the Black Hawk she was co-piloting), has much more

(Photo and caption from VA’s website:  President Obama participated in the wreath laying as part of the Veterans Day National Ceremony on November 11th at Arlington National Cemetery. Other ceremonies are being held at many regional sites and national cemeteries.)



Radio Rookies: Spotlighting a Winner

These 2008 WNYC Radio Rookie stories — on “Growing Up in the System” — are new again, having won the 2009 Casey Medal for Meritorious Journalism and the inaugural America’s Promise Journalism Award for Awareness (hat tip: Journalism Center on Children & Families).

Below, Shirley “Star” Diaz, whose mother was murdered, talks about being on the brink of aging out of the foster care system.

All the stories are here.

Support WNYC.

Lock ‘Em Up and Throw Away the Key?

As the Supreme Court hears cases this morning regarding two Florida individuals locked up for life for non-homicide crimes committed as juveniles, the New York Times’ online “Room for Debate” hosts a topical discussion with the following two experts:

  • Marc Mauer of The Sentencing Project
  • Kent Scheidegger of the Criminal Justice Legal Foundation.

Tomorrow, Youth Today: The Newspaper on Youth Work, convenes a unique and timely event featuring six of the seven living past administrators of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), who will discuss their tenures carrying out the federal law designed to protect justice-involved youth. Read more on the forum at the event website.

UPDATED: Winner! Sports Blogging: Zenyatta is the Story for the Breeder’s Cup Classic

And, we have a winner!

Zenyatta is insultingly referred to as America’s sweetheart, but horse racing aficionados know better: She’s an undefeated powerhouse taking on the boys for the first time in tomorrow’s Breeder’s Cup Classic at the famed Santa Anita racetrack in California.

Here is the five-year-old mare working out Oct. 31.  Get all the Breeder’s Cup stories at Daily Racing Form.


AARP Endorses House Health Care Bill

The tragedy at Ft. Hood will rightly overshadow the fact that today, the AARP endorsed the House health care bill, which could be on the floor this Saturday.

 “Under the House plan… insurance companies will not be able to reject you or charge you an outrageous premium because you got sick once, you may get sick again, you lost your job, you’re over 50 years old or because your employer dropped your coverage,” said A. Barry Rand, chief executive of the 40-million-member association for older Americans, in an article posted its website. “Millions of Americans will start to regain control over their lives.” The press conference  about the endorsement — the first time the organization has backed a specific bill out of the others floating out there — is embedded below.

Google Rules?

Perhaps. On Fresh Air, Ken Auletta talks about his book, “Googled: The End of the World As We Know It” (Penguin Press), which traces the history of Google, the now ubiquitous group of services that infiltrates nearly every part of online life. Is a healthy questioning of Google’s power–and what amounts to an assumption that the way it does things over the Internet will dominate for the foreseeable future–in order? Auletta seems to argue that the answer is yes.

One of the very important questions Auletta asks, vis-a-vis Google, is this: What price free?