About erika@churchstreeteditorial.com

Posts by erika@churchstreeteditorial.com:

NYT: New York Youth Prison System in Crisis

The lead in the New York Times article says it all:

New York’s system of juvenile prisons is broken, with young people battling mental illness or addiction held alongside violent offenders in abysmal facilities where they receive little counseling, can be physically abused and rarely get even a basic education, according to a report by a state panel.

Of course, this is nothing new. Youth Today has covered some of New York’s juvenile justice problems; Time has also weighed in, along with Human Rights Watch.

New York’s problems are certainly not isolated. Just today, The Washington Post editorializes on the need to pass an updated federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act to encourage systematic reform nationwide.

Happy Hanukkah!

And please forgive me for posting this perfectly cheese ball video of the “Eight Days of Hanukkah,” a “hip-hop” song written by Mormon Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), who is featured singing along. Lordy, lordy!

Here is the classic Adam Sandler Hanukkah song:

Update: Video U.S. President Accepts Peace Prize: Speech Transcript

Watch the scene from Sweden:

The full speech:


 The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Common Sense Blogging: Can Sneakers Make You Thin?

Um, in a word, unlikely.

“The athletic shoe giant Reebok claims you can [tone muscles by walking in their niftily made sneaks]. The new EasyTone walking shoe, a provocative new marketing campaign says, leaves leg and buttock muscles better toned than regular walking shoes. … [snipped for the money quote ]

“But the claim that the shoes offer muscle toning is backed by a single study involving just five people, not published in a peer-reviewed academic journal.”

Read the full article to see if you should buy the shoes or, better yet, skip the reading, view the ads with a grain of salt, and lace up your perfectly adequate rubber soles for a rigorous work out. (And keep an eye out for more analysis.)

ARRA Jobs Reports Parsed

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) breaks down a new Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report that puts American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) job creation at between 600,000 to 1.6 million as of September. According to CBPP: the “estimate by Congress’ non-partisan economic and budget analysts is more comprehensive than the 640,000 jobs that ARRA recipients reported in late October, CBO explains.” The 640,000 job-creation figure listed on Recovery.gov — a number expected to grow — is based on quarterly reports submitted by prime recipients of the funding.

“Between the Folds”: On Paper Art

Via NPR’s The Picture Show blog, we learn of a new documentary about origami, which apparently has come a long way in the 30-odd years since my sister and I took classes to fold colorful paper into birds and other objects. (She was much better at it than me.)

Watch a preview of the Green Fuse Films’ documentary, which airs tomorrow on PBS, below.