About erika@churchstreeteditorial.com

Posts by erika@churchstreeteditorial.com:

Fresh Air: A Bit of Humor and Culture to Ease in 2010

Here are some items to hopefully ease you back into regular life from the two-week weirdness that is the Hanukkah/Christmas/New Year period (dominated by terrorism, of all things). In other words, nothing too serious.

Here’s funny man and Daily Show correspondent John Oliver discussing his new comedy show:

And actor Stanley Tucci talking about his recent work in film:

Enjoy. And remember to support public radio.

Science Friday: Oysters in Our World

Happy new year!

Blog Alley’s regular postings of Science Friday videos, a series we began when we launched the blog in the summer of 2009, are often our most-viewed posts. We are glad you like them; these short videos make complex topics a bit easier to understand and are just plain fun to watch. 

As long as the Science Friday crew keeps producing these pieces (remember to listen and donate), we’ll keep sharing them in 2010, starting with this one on the role of oysters in our world.

Below and here.

Support Science Friday.

End-of-the-Year Blogging: 2009 Lists | Arts and Culture

Today in 2009 lists: arts and culture.

Sunday Talk Shows: An Interesting Idea

Jay Rosen posts an interesting article that talks about his idea for fixing the stupid, boring, vapid Sunday political talk shows, where “newsmakers” and pundits meet to reduce the collective sanity and intelligence of a viewing nation (well, of nine or 10 million of us).

Perhaps someone would instead act* on my idea to purchase the URL www.stopsundaytalk.com (it’s available!) and use it to virtually brow-beat the public to stop watching and to hopefully kill all of these awful shows permanently.

If you must take them in, do so via Jason Linkins’s hysterical live blog, every Sunday

*rudimentary graphic goes to anyone who sets up the Web site.

Health Care: Taxing High-End Plans

Bob Herbert, writing in the New York Times, thinks the “Cadillac” tax on high-cost health care plans, a primary financing mechanism contained in the Senate health care bill, would eventually hit the middle class hard:

“The tax on health benefits is being sold to the public dishonestly as something that will affect only the rich, and it makes a mockery of President Obama’s repeated pledge that if you like the health coverage you have now, you can keep it.

“Those who believe this is a good idea should at least have the courage to be straight about it with the American people.”

End-of-the-Year Blogging: 2009 Lists | Losses and Closings

Today in 2009 lists: losses and closings.

  • MSNBC covers the nine occupations that took the biggest hit in 2009’s Great Recession, from construction to architecture. 
  • Add to that list the top 100 media companies, which saw revenues drop this year (Adage.com, via Advertising Age).
  • Washington Post’s stand-alone book section, Book World, closed in 2009.
  • On the magazine front, according to a Media Finder press release, 275 new magazines launched in 2009, but 429 folded, including the venerable Gourmet Magazine, founded in 1941. (Hat tip, Huffington Post media page.)
  • Lambda Rising, D.C.’s iconic gay bookstore, will shutter (via NPR).
  • People spent less time reading online newspaper Web sites in 2009, according to an exclusive report by Editor & Publisher, which announced this year that it may itself fold.
  • The New York Times’ “The Medium” column and blog — a well-written, funny, and informative weekly piece that managed to distill the Internet — sadly went bye-bye this year. That one hurt. 🙁 

Yuck! On to the Tens!

End-of-the-Year Blogging: 2009 Lists | Television

Today in 2009 lists: television shows and moments.

  • Tom Shales looks at the best television moments of the decade.
  • TV.com’s most popular television shows of the decade.
  • Paste Magazine’s 20 Best TV Shows of the Decade (2000-2009). Clocking in at 19 and 18, respectively, are two of my favorites: “Dexter” and “Breaking Bad.” Other favs, “Curb” and “30 Rock,” also made Paste’s list.
  • Maureen Ryan of the Chicago Tribune was allowed by her editors to choose 15 tops for 2009; choosing 10 was just too darn hard.
  • Mike Hale’s (New York Times) list is here, but before he announces his picks, he feels the need to say this:
    • “Before we get to the list: There are a lot of perfectly well-made, intelligent, but essentially lifeless shows on television that get great reviews and end up on Top 10 lists. People like these shows because they feel that they flatter their intelligence, and because they confuse surface realism with some kind of deeper truth. I don’t (like them, that is), so don’t look for “Breaking Bad,” “Damages,” “Dexter,” “Mad Men” or their like here.”

<Whatever that means.  “Breaking Bad,” “Damages,” and “Dexter” are lifeless? To me they are, quite simply, very entertaining.>