About erika@churchstreeteditorial.com

Posts by erika@churchstreeteditorial.com:

Would you work for free?

I do not know how The Washington Post thinks they can get away with this:

“Five weeks ago, I received an unsolicited offer from the Washington Post. They asked if they could post my picture and biography on their website and link to every new blog post appearing here if I agreed to produce regular original content for them at their request. I turned them down. Why?

Because they wanted me to work for them for nothing.”

It’s not worth the clips or hits (if you even get more; see the article for more) and it’s exploitation, plain and simple. Three cheers to MPW for publicizing this bogus-ness.

Media Blogging: Slamming Stupid “Journalism”

Techcrunch alerts us to a funny-and-serious website to call out CNN’s silliness: WTFCNN. Click on the site and you can read, in part, the site’s mission statement:

Dear CNN,

We know you think this is what we want, but it’s not. We don’t care what random Tweeters think about a news story, how many holograms you have in your Situation Room, or even the latest celebrity gossip.

We care about our world. Instead of using your resources to do the journalism that gives us a better understanding of this world — we get the front page of CNN.com.

Here, here. I find CNN’s multimedia components on the Web particularly lacking. MSNBC allows online viewing of nearly all its programs in a user-friendly way; CNN makes it a struggle to find clips and  doesn’t even post entire shows like the “Situation Room.”

Headline News: CNN often stinks.

Obama Administration Approves Cape Cod Wind Farm, Defying Kennedys

The Obama administration today approved the Cape Wind renewable energy project off the coast of Massachusetts, taking the side of environmentalists over opponents of the contentious project, including the Kennedy family. 

In announcing the approval of the wind farm—which would be situated 13.8 miles from Nantucket  Island in the Nantucket Sound and meet 75 percent of Cape Cod’s power needs—U.S. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said that the developer of the $1 billion project would have to agree to “binding” measures to limit the adverse impact of the construction and operation  of the facility.

Salazar said in a statement that the “the public benefits weigh in favor of approving the Cape Wind project.” It would be America’s first offshore wind energy facility.

In a nod to the Kennedy family, which owns the Kennedy Compound National Historic Landmark in Hyannis Port, and to other critics of the plan, the administration cut the number of turbines from 170 to 130 to reduce the “visual impact” of the farm; moved it farther away from Nantucket Island; reduced its breadth; and cut back on nighttime lighting.

A local Native American tribe also objects to the farm, worrying that construction would disrupt traditional cultural resources. Salazar said a “Chance Finds Clause” in the lease requires the developer to halt operations and notify Interior if there are archaeological finds.

The farm is not a done deal, however. The Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) and other opponents have told various media outlets that they will sue to stop the project.