About erika@churchstreeteditorial.com

Posts by erika@churchstreeteditorial.com:

Test Your (Oil Spill) Knowledge

Test your knowledge on the downer topic of oil spills via Nat Geo.

Reaction to the president’s Oval Office speech seems largely negative. I agree — it was a wasted opportunity; a talk that lacked specific and clear action steps. A speech heavy on prayer and light on how we progress from here, even as the oil still gushes. I nearly cried when he used similar language to describe energy proposals (re “good ideas from both sides”) as was used during the painful health care debate. (We can’t go through that again!) And asking Congress to pass real energy reforms — a body seemingly incapable of bold action on nearly any subject, never mind one as fraught as fossil fuels — is like asking BP to provide an accurate flow rate. Ain’t gonna happen. 

At least the “small” people will get some money out of them.

Feel-Good Story of the Week

Here’s a positive story sent to me by one of my clients, Synergy Enterprises, Inc. (SEI):

SILVER SPRING, MD—Prachee J. Devadas, President and Chief Executive Officer of Synergy Enterprises, Inc. (SEI), and Anand Devadas, SEI’s Vice President of Corporate Operations, met with President Barack Obama today in the Oval Office to discuss challenges facing small business. Ms. Devadas, along with representatives of High 5, LLC, another small business, met with President Obama for a 20-minute discussion on a series of proposals his administration has put forth to promote small business growth and hiring.  Ms. Devadas was the only federal government contractor selected to participate in this focus group.

Small businesses (and, um, sole proprietors) work hard to get noticed, often without the supports, subsidies, and other resources given to big businesses. Thanks to Ms. Devadas and her small biz colleagues, the president heard first hand what’s needed to ensure that small but savvy businesses get an equal seat at the table. 

Hat’s off to SEI and Ms. Devadas: You’re an inspiration for all of us out here!

Here’s the video:


Flow Rate Increased

Via Science News, the government’s so-called “Flow Rate Technical Group” has officially increased the amount of oil that’s been dumped into Gulf each day: the group estimates that 20,000 to 40,000 gallons were gushing in before the most recent cap and recovery effort. This is an amount that could be revised in the days and weeks ahead, officials say. 

Read the transcript of today’s press briefing with the National Incident Commander.

List Blogging: Top Gay-Friendly Companies

The International Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce published its 2010 index of the most gay-friendly companies.


“The results of the 2010 Index strongly suggest that companies are becoming increasingly focused on diversity, and specifically LGBT diversity. This year a total of 42 companies registered for the Index, with 22 private sector companies, two law firms and one NGO completing the arduous submission process. This compares with a total of 15 companies that participated in 2009.”