About erika@churchstreeteditorial.com

Posts by erika@churchstreeteditorial.com:

Mayer Exposes Koch: Citizens Unite!

Jane Mayer of the New Yorker talks with “Fresh Air” about her report on the Brothers Koch, who use their huge big-business bank accounts to undermine democracy and quite possibly the health and safety of all of us. Follow Jane, one of the most even-handed journalists working today, as she tracks the Koch corporate money into Tea Party and other “astro turf” causes, including Glenn Beck’s disgusting “rally” in DC this weekend.

Listen below and read the full article here.



School Starts in DC

The Washington area gets a public school named after Barack Obama and it’s not in the District. I’m offended. Michelle Rhee, what is up?

Kidding, of course. Welcome back to school everyone (at Prospect Learning Center in particular :).

A teacher at the Prospect school across the way got locked inside the gates of her campus on Sunday; the custodian didn’t know she was in there getting her classroom ready and he locked up and went home. The police were confused as we neighbors brought over two ladders to get her over the wrought iron fence. The empty boxes of school supplies she carried with her were not enough to dissuade the copper and his paddy wagon compatriots from obnoxiously asking for her ID and questioning her incessantly … just. in. case.

Really cops? Nothing better for you to do on a Sunday?

It was a farcical start—a little weird start—to a hopefully promising school year.


Pakistan Flooding

Maybe it’s me, but it seems like the still-unfolding flooding disaster in Pakistan isn’t getting enough attention in the mainstream media (or on the blogs for that matter). I salute the New York Times for still finding a way to keep it on the front page (and a focus online). Here is a page that lists some ways you can help in the flood-relief effort. Just because the UN chief likened the disaster to a “slow-motion tsunami” doesn’t mean we shouldn’t act fast to send cash to assist.

Another story on the possible origins of the flooding here, on Robert Mackey’s blog.

Is Technology Warping Our Minds?

I realize that blogging about a New York Times article on how technology affects the brain is somewhat ironic, but here it nonetheless is.

Basically, it tells the story of a group of researchers who head out on a camping trip—and out of cell phone-tower coverage—to debate how Blackberrys, iPhones, iPads, emails, etc. might be messing with our heads. (There is a video of them at the camp at the link.)

At the end of the article, I almost found myself craving the solitude they had experienced—but then I had to check my email.