About erika@churchstreeteditorial.com

Posts by erika@churchstreeteditorial.com:

Veterans Day 2010

Thanks to US Service Members today and every day. Here are some resources to give back and a short video below from the VA. (Click resources from this page, and find even more worthy organizations accepting donations and inviting volunteers.)

See pictures of President Obama’s activities to honor the veterans stationed in Asia and in other far-flung places.

And let’s hope our country can take more steps toward peace very, very soon.

Post-Sanity Rally Media Musings

Keith Olbermann suspends “Worst Person” feature in wake of Jon Stewart’s call for a more civil debate on cable TV. (Baby steps.)

David Carr feels Stewart let Congress off the hook by implying that the media is mostly responsible for political polarization. (Agreed.)

Raw Story reviews crowd estimates and Metro sets a record for Saturday ridership.  (I attended Restore Honor, One Nation, and Sanity rallies, and Stewart’s felt, by far, the biggest. None of these events, however, came even remotely close the number of people who attended Barack Obama’s inauguration, which I also attended.)

The Post has more on the topic of rally crowd estimates and a picture gallery.