Congress Passes $10 Billion in Education Assistance

Our colleagues at Thompson Publishing Group are reporting on the passage of a $10 billion measure that President Obama will sign tonight sending $10 billion in education aid to the states. Quoting from the piece: 

“Within 45 days, states can expect to receive their share of the $10 billion education aid package that cleared the House of Representatives today by a party-line vote of 247-161.

The quick allocation is mandated by the bill.

‘The President will sign this literally tonight in the Oval Office,’ said U.S. Department of Education Secretary Arne Duncan. ‘Moved by a huge sense of urgency, we are already drafting an application and hope to publish it sometime next week.’ “

Getting the funds was hardly painless, however, as Democrats had to concede to some cuts in Food Stamps and other popular programs to win over the votes of two Republicans and thus garner enough votes to overcome a threatened filibuster.