Health Care Tracking Poll: Splitsville

Two days before the White House convenes a health care summit, the latest Kaiser Family Foundation tracking poll reveals a 43-43 split among Americans who favor or oppose health care reform legislation pending in Congress. But when you break the bill’s components down and ask people whether they support or oppose various elements, vast majorities approve of the major pieces of the legislation, including health insurance reforms, small business tax credits, and a health insurance exchange/marketplace. Few say they want to drop health care reform altogether, the poll shows.

Dig deep into the results here.

Robert Greenstein, executive director of the number-crunching Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, had this to say about the Obama administration proposal announced yesterday:

“The President’s proposal represents the last hope, perhaps for years to come, to enact comprehensive reforms that extend coverage to over 30 million uninsured Americans, provide important consumer protections to tens of millions of insured Americans whose coverage may have critical gaps, and begin to slow the growth of health care costs.”