Health Blogging: Seasonal Flu, H1N1, and You

The U.S. government has a great deal of information across many agency websites about both seasonal flu and about H1N1, the virulent strain that used to be referred to as swine flu.

The government has created a single website — — with extensive flu information, including an important Myths and Facts section designed to dispel rampant misinformation about flu vaccinations. (Take a self-evaluation here.)

Given that there are different vaccines for each strain and that it’s taking some time to get the H1N1 vaccine out to localities, it’s important to read up on how to go about getting immunized from both types of flu.

For instance, pregnant women and others with certain health conditions — including people with rheumatoid arthritis — are advised to get the H1N1 vaccine as soon as it’s available in their communities. A map tool on can help you find out where the vaccine is available in your neck of the woods.

Also from CDC: 

General Q’s and A’s about H1N1 vaccine

General information about seasonal flu (note: seasonal flu is different from H1N1)

According to the CDC, 46 states are reporting widespread flu activity. Here is another map with H1N1 case rates by region, courtesy of the CDC and USA Today.

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